Love what you have to say here, Susan--so timely. And I love your photos. And the quote from Churchill's mother. That one was quite unexpected, but you are full of surprises these days.

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Thank you, Michelle! I have often collected meaningful quotes and remembered a photo album I had added these quotes to some years back. I thought her quote fit nicely. Thank you for your encouragement. You often bring a smile to my face and I appreciate you!

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Wonderful post, Susan. This is at once both beautifully thoughtful and challenging. I love how you challenge us to be more intentional in our relationships, which I think can be applied to all, not just marriage. It's increasingly difficult to do in our age of distractions and me-time and everyone focusing on doing their own thing. Something I used to believe was that a good marriage was about respecting each other's interests and not having to partake in them. That changed when I got married and my husband made an effort to understand what I loved. He read the books I loved and watched the movies I loved, among other things. I realised how precious it was to have someone like that, who sought to share those parts of me, and it encouraged me to do the same.

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Thanks for your insights and thoughts, Tiffany. Your husband sounds like a man with very kind, generous spirit. I appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts with us, Tiffany. Relationships do benefit from intentionality and being fully present to one another but it is rather countercultural. Sometimes I long for the simplicity we experienced living on a farm before technology changed things. But meeting you and others and having the opportunity to share our writing broadly is the upside. Blessings on you and your family.

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He is. I've learned a lot from him about how to be a better human being.

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This is so lovely and this paragraph in particular: I need to show some gratitude and make him aware that I love him. It's too easy to gravitate towards the criticism or negative things rather than focussing on what we DO appreciate. But gratitude is far better for both of us and helps set the tone for compassion and kindness.

Beautiful thank you. 💌

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You're welcome, Hephzibah. We constantly have a choice to make, don't we? We can gaze at our problems and glance at Jesus, or preferrably, we can gaze at Jesus and glance at our problems. Similarly, this holds true in our daily lives and homes. If I allow God to help me cultivate a thankful heart, then God is more able to encourage and uplift those I live with or relate to. May He continue to bless you and use your life, sister.

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